Help to support our mission
Welcome to the Friends of Clans of Ireland. This is your opportunity to help Clans of Ireland to achieve its goals by supporting our work and mission. The majority of our operating budget is supported by Clan Registration Fees. This limits what we can achieve. Our aim is to be an effective voice on issues that concern Irish Heritage of Clans and Historic Families and on a broader platform the teaching of history at all levels.
The Board feel that your support will enhance our ability to effectively promote the interests of Irish Clans and Historic Families and allow us to continue to lobby on heritage issues.
In recognition of your support of €60 a year, Clans of Ireland will issue a certificate, suitable for framing, proclaiming you to be a ‘Friend’.
For a once-off contribution of €500 or its equivalent, your Certificate will proclaim you to be a ‘Benefactor’. The names of all Benefactors will be displayed on our website for ten years.
All Certificates are wax sealed and signed by two Board members.
Should you wish to support our work, follow the subscription details below and email indicating the name you wish to see inscribed on your Certificate and your postal address.
Thank you for your support.

You can make a subscription via Debit or Credit Card, Cheque or Bank Transfer.
Please make your subscription by debit / credit card stating reference ‘Friends of Clans of Ireland’ by clicking the link: HERE
By Cheque
To subscribe by cheque, please forward payment to Clans of Ireland, Broomhill House, Killrush, County Clare V15 RT28, Ireland.
By Bank Transfer
Should you wish make payment by direct bank transfer, please contact us at and we will forward you the relevant bank details.
Once subscriptions are complete your Certificate will be posted to you. Samples of the certificates are available to view below.
Thank you for your support.