Welcome / Fáilte

Fáilte roimh Finte na hÉireann  ~ Welcome to Clans of Ireland

Clans of Ireland ~ Finte na hÉireann is an independent permanent authority established in 1989 to register Irish clans and historical families. This occurred as a result of the resurgence of interest in Irish heritage, which led to the revival of many ancient Irish clans and the recognition of the cultural value of many Irish historical families.

There is an open invitation policy to those interested in Irish Clans to contact us with a view to reviving their Irish Clan and its identity. Recognition will depend on the ability of applicants to provide evidence of the existence of a distinct historical clan or family identity within a geographic area. The Register of Clans of Ireland includes families of Irish-Gaelic, Norse, Anglo-Norman, Scots and Gallowglass origins, just to name a few.

Clans of Ireland, which has as its Patron, Michael D. Higgins, the President of Ireland, maintains a strong and positive relationship with the Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains who represent the hereditary Chiefs, in addition to other pillars of Irish culture.

One of the advantages of Clans of Ireland membership is access to our Annual Cultural Summit. This includes lectures, historical tours and attendance at the Annual Dinner. The lectures are presented by some of the highest profile speakers on wide ranging subjects including Irish history, genealogy, heraldry and archaeology.

Other features of membership include:

  • the ability to propose candidates whose outstanding contributions to clan or Irish culture may warrant consideration as Companions of the Clans of Ireland Order of Merit,
  • support of historical academic research, and
  • access to veteran clan convenors who willingly share their experience.


We hope that you enjoy our website and help support the Clans of Ireland ~ Finte na hÉireann by either becoming a member or providing a financial donation to ensure that our work to promote Ireland’s Clans and Historical Families can continue into the future.

Go raibh maith agat as do spéis! Thank you for your interest!

Finte na hÉireann ~ Clans of Ireland

Historic Plaques - Clans of Ireland

What is a Clan?

Clans of Ireland (Finte na hÉireann) was established to:

  • Authenticate and register Irish Clans and Historical Families
  • Promote the interests of Irish Clans and Historical Families
  • Provide guidance related to Irish Clans and Historical Families 


Finte na hÉireann ~ Clans of Ireland is an independent authority established to authenticate and maintain the Register of Irish Clans. An Irish Clan or historical family may be admitted to the Register of Clans if the surname is authoritatively documented in Ireland prior to 1691, the date that is considered to mark the end of the clan-based lineage system in Irish society.

Register of Clans

The Register of Clans and historic families provides details of clans currently registered and verified by Clans of Ireland. To contact member clans directly, please use the information provided on the register.

If you are considering establishing a clan or family name association / society and wish to be considered for inclusion on the Register, you can apply online HERE

Clans and historic families not included on the Register of Clans have either not yet registered or have not renewed their membership for the current year. If you would like further information on establishing an Irish clan or historic family association / society or have a renewal enquiry, please send an email to post@clansofireland.ie

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President Michael D Higgins during a visit to the  FINIRISH BATT HQ in South Lebanon .Photo Chris Bellew / Copyright Fennell Photography 2015

Our Patron


The Patron of Clans of Ireland is Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland.

It is an enormous honour for Clans of Ireland and the many Clans we represent that the President of Ireland has agreed to be our Patron.

Irish culture and heritage have always been close to the President’s heart. He was Ireland’s first Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht and now as President of Ireland he continues to be a champion of creativity in Irish society.

We are very grateful to President Higgins for the support and encouragement he gives to Clans of Ireland and our work with Irish Clans.

Essay Competition

Cultural Summit & AGM

Order of Merit